
BAF/GBAF Benchmarking

This year we have teamed up with Audit Yorkshire and MIAA to undertake BAF and GBAF benchmarking on a wider scale than ever before, with BAFs from 47 Trusts and GBAFs from 34 CCGs examined.

We have asked similar questions to those asked in previous years but, unsurprisingly, have also considered the significance and impact of COVID-19 on each BAF/GBAF and what this might say about risk management more generally within each organisation.

Please click on the relevant image below to access the report you are most interested in.


Board Committee cross-working

One of our recent comparative pieces of work examined 14 trusts in our client base and assessed how different committees of the Board work together, with a focus on how the audit committee gains assurance on integrated governance, risk management and control.

The resultant briefing examines inter-committee liaison, the assurance framework, in-year reporting and annual reporting identifying common approaches but also pulling out some good practice suggestions.

To access the full briefing click on the image below.

Assurance on Clinical Audit

We have analysed the information and assurance provided to board committees in relation to clinical audit across our NHS provider clients and compared this to the suggested practice in the HFMA Audit Committee Handbook (2018) and the HQIP documents, Best Practice in Clinical Audit (2020) and Good Governance Handbook (2015).

Click on the image below to access this publication.

CCG Complaints Policies

We examined 17 CCG complaints policies and compared the contents of the policies and assessed the processes and procedures (as far as was possible from what was captured in the policies) against the Regulations and some of the key national guidance documents. The resulting report contains a number of possible flowcharts based on our findings as well as good examples of text under different policy headings.

Click on the image below to access the full publication.

Governance Changes as a result of COVID-19

This briefing summarises what our NHS clients have told us they are doing around strategic governance, financial governance, and fraud in response to COVID-19, as well as outlining areas for consideration and good practice.

Policy Monitoring – Sharing Best Practice

This report shares the best practice identified as a result of our reviews of Policy Monitoring across a number of clients. The policies reviewed were Complaints, Mandatory Training and IT Access although some of the findings are applicable to policy monitoring more generally.