360 Assurance Tote Bag Competitions
Just as a bit of fun we have two competitions running, making use of the 360 Assurance tote bags (available from Oak House, Stapleford and Gwendolen House):
- Sporting of a bag in the most unusual or exciting places
- Most innovative repurposing/use of a bag
The logo should obviously remain on display.
So grab a bag (or two!) and get creative!
Submit your pictures to Elaine. Entries so far (newest at the top):
Park run for NHS75 – Saturday 8 July 2023.
HFMA East Midlands Away Day – 22 June 2023 @ Beaumanor Hall, Leicestershire.
To see a picture of Lewis in costume as an extra, check out: https://www.hulldailymail.co.uk/news/hull-east-yorkshire-news/gallery/spot-friends-family-amongst-extras-7751115