This half day, online, session will focus on NHS Digital strategy and maximising the opportunities from digital innovation and technology, whilst protecting against the cyber risks which inevitably arise. Speakers...
This half-day virtual event focused on topics related to governance, risk management and audit Aimed at Board members (particularly those who sit on Audit Committees). Presenters' slides can be accessed...
This half-day virtual event focused on topics related to financial planning at a system level. Mark Mansfield, NED Chair of FPC at University Hospitals Birmingham and Former Regional Director of...
This half-day virtual event was aimed at Board members (particularly those who sit on People Committees), with topics covering engagement, NHS staff survey, FTSU and EDI Speakers: Jo Moffat, co-Strategy...
This half-day virtual event focused on topics related to hearing the patient voice. Aimed at Board members (particularly those who sit on Quality Committees). Confirmed speakers: Head of Patient Safety...
This half-day virtual event considered the progress made in provider collaboratives and some of the key areas for consideration: Governance Measuring success Support available Please click on the image below...
NHS Procurement In this half day virtual session we considered: An overview of procurement frameworks and systems in the NHS and how these may need to change in the future...
This was an in person event at the Principal Hotel, York. The day focused on two main themes: Workforce composition/makeup In the context of not having enough qualified staff nationally,...
Digitalisation Event A half day session providing strategic and operational updates on key topics on the digitalisation agenda. Agenda Slides Video (link to YouTube)
Environmental sustainability is a fundamental consideration as part of all current decision-making. The Health and Care Act 2022 means that the NHS is the first health system to embed net...
Our huge thanks to all of those who attended this event. It was a really informative and interesting day. Slides from the day are here. Videos of each of...
The Liberty Protection Safeguards (LPS) are due to replace the Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (DoLS) in April 2022. We ran a webinar with Hill Dickinson to bring clients up to...
We teamed up with Browne Jacobson and Audit Yorkshire to run another virtual event, focusing on Provider Collaboratives and Place arrangements on 25 June 1pm – 2pm. The event was...
On 29 April 2021 we ran a virtual event in conjunction with Browne Jacobson on Integrated Care Systems. The event was expertly chaired by Sir Neil McKay and covered the...
We are very grateful to Dr Ruth Murray-Webster for speaking at this tailored event for NHS NEDs and Senior Risk Managers. Ruth is a highly-qualified and respected business consultant, with...
This event was aimed primarily at NHS Non-Executive Directors, although also open to Executive Directors and Senior Officers from client organisations. The focus was on developing governance, risk management and...
This event was aimed primarily at Audit Committee and Workforce/People Committee members, although open to all officers who attend these committees. The event examined some of the workforce challenges across...
This event was aimed primarily at Non-Executive Directors who are members of either the Audit Committee or the Finance Committee, but was open to all client officers who attend either...
Location: Holiday Inn, DE55 2EH This event was aimed primarily at Audit Committee and Quality Committee members, although it was open to all officers who attend these committees. To see...
Due to its popularity this event was run twice on 4th March 2019 (at the Principal Hotel, York) and 2nd April 2019 (at the Holiday Inn, South Normanton). This...